Search Engine Hacking

Created On 21. Jan 2020

Updated: 2021-05-01 23:44:12.542730000 +0000

Created By: acidghost

Google Hacking is a very useful skill, not just for bad and good hackers, but all of us.
It allows to look for exact files and extensions you need, research subdomains of a website, and much more.
Some examples: - will show everything only from this domain
intitle:tomatoes - what you see in a part of the title of the website
inurl: - what should be contained in the whole URL of the search.
intext: - this indicates the part of the text that you are looking for.
ext:pdf - will show you results that contain the extension pdf.
" " - only, for example "duck can fly", will show you results which contain only this phrasing.

subdomain enumeration example: inurl:* -inurl:www*
enumerate all subdomains without the 'www' at the beginning. Further specify that we are looking for any subdomain on with the wildcard "*", which means 'take all'. Prepending it to take all within our URL, will output us all subdomains.

Get a book on hacking like this:
Inurl: hacking ext:pdf

More reference:


Uses google to gather metadata information within files on a website. It is not installed by default, so you will need to type in
$ sudo apt-install metagoofil
Then execute it
#$ metagoofil
As an example try to run against a target domain:
$ ./ -d targetdomain -l 10 -f all -o test.html -t test
This will collect information from all files, and limit to 10 the download of each type. Everything will be saved in a test.html file under a test folder.

Goorecon is a tool for subdomain and email enumeration written in Ruby. It uses Google to obtain all the information. It seems the last available version was back in Backtrack 4 and cannot be directly obtained anymore in Kali. In case you still like playing with the old version you can start it like this:
$ ./goorecon.rb -s target-domain
To obtain a list of subdomains
$ ./goorecon.rb -e targetdomain
Will give you a list of emails from the respective target domain.

The theharvester tool is an e-mail accounts, username, and hostname/subdomains gathering tool. It collects the information from various public sources. As of version 3.0 the public sources supported are:
• Google
• Bing
• Linkedin
• Yahoo
• Twitter
• Netcraft and others.
$ the harvester -d -l 5 -b google
This will Output 6 Microsoft hosts given by the google engine.

This is a very simple file enumeration tool that looks for files on domains with the google engine.
$ goofile -d -f pdf
And you will get all pdf files from
Check out later articles for more tools that gather information on our networks.

Section: Web
